Art living in a space we also live in

I was looking at Cindy Sherman’s art collection the other day and at first blush, it reads to me as sort of wacky (I’m looking specifically at the UFO in flames, crashed on a cow pasture painting, placed over the bed. It’s hilarious and sort of scary and electric but I wouldn’t choose it for the place where I sleep…my dreams!) I spent more time with her collection in the space and realized- it’s incredible. It’s a perfect, refined, full reflection of her taste as an artist. It’s awesome, in the best sense of the word. And she gets to live with all this imagery and people and ideas every day. She gets to have dreams about crashed UFOs and whatever else she pleases.

Here’s what I’m thinking about: how art as lives in a beautifully designed space. It makes a space, gives it a soul, is a reflection of the soul of the person who lives there. This is why art is essential.

Images from the book Billy Cotton Interior & Design work


The evolution of a skeleton painting